

自2019年来到千亿国际登录以来, 我一直是启动社区恢复中心的团队的积极参与者. I have always had a heart for taking care of our earth and am often troubled by the amount of waste created. 从我记事起我就一直是这样, 我的小后花园里一直种着一些东西, but recently my husband and I have started to increase our food system in our backyard with raised garden beds, 罐头, 最后是一把鸡. We are embracing opportunities to be more self-reliant in a 状态 that relies heavily on a globalized food system.

作为社会工作项目的负责人,我对CRH团队的贡献主要是学术方面的. I have been working with an interdisciplinary faculty team to develop a minor in environmental justice that will be housed in the social work department. 这种说法常常引来质疑的目光, 不可避免地,我发现自己在解释社会工作和环境正义是如何交织在一起的.

简单的回答是,社会工作者是社会变革的推动者. 他们的工作有助于社区的整体健康. 他们与个人密切合作, 家庭, 公共和私人机构确保人们拥有安全所需的资源, 健康的, and treated justly – integral elements in developing 社区 resilience and environmental sustainability. Professionals and researchers in the social work field are recognizing and addressing new environmental challenges that are exacerbated by levels of poverty, 获取资源的不公平, 不平衡的权力关系. 社会工作者是必不可少的对话和策略,导致健康, 有弹性的, 繁荣的社区.

The deeper answer to the question of how social work intersects with 社区 resilience is a bit more academic, 所以请耐心听我说.

社会工作的主要目标是促进社会变革和发展, 社会凝聚力, 赋予人民权力,解放人民. 社会工作者是有价值观的, 知识, 以及推动社会变革的技能, guided by the emancipatory values and principles of social justice and human rights at the individual, 集团, 社会, 和全球层面(Rambaree), 2020). 社会工作通常被认为是社会变革的重要推动者. It is argued that social workers have a professional obligation and moral duty to create conditions and mechanisms for a better living environment for all.

社会工作起源于对“人与环境”视角的关注. This perspective is a pr行为ice-guiding principle that highlights the importance of social work pr行为itioners as having a sound understanding of human beings, 考虑到他们生活的环境, 行为, 和其他人一起反应.

在可持续发展的背景下, there is a global call for social work education and pr行为ice to shift to an eco-centric paradigm through environmental social work. Working towards environmental and 社区 sustainability has been posited as one of the four priority areas in the global agenda for social work and social development (Gray et al., 2013; Rambaree et al., 2019).

环境变化/气候紧急情况及其相关的社会影响, 比如贫穷, 迁移/位移, 和饥荒, make it an obligation for social work to consider environmental sustainability within its education and pr行为ice.

Environmental social work and its corollary – disaster social work – are increasingly pr行为iced as social workers are challenged to work with people in damaged environments. These emerging areas of pr行为ice highlight an increasing need for social workers to challenge pr行为ices that enhance environmental degradation, 将可持续发展和环境意识作为关键的实践领域, 并承担备灾工作, 规划, 响应, and adaptation strategies to assist communities in building capacity and responsiveness in the face of environmental threats (Alston, 2023).

Social workers’ 社区 development skills can enable collaboration with grassroots organizers who seek to address food security concerns in a neighborhood or 社区 setting, while the program management and administrative skills developed by social workers can help create effective programs that strive to address such needs in a holistic way.

由于解决粮食安全问题的社会运动涉及个人, 家庭, 和社区, social workers’ consideration of the bio-social-psycho-cultural realities of individuals 和社区 can contribute to addressing food-related concerns in an effective and culturally competent way.

成功实施社会公正的可能性, 可持续发展的, urban agriculture initiative would be greatly enhanced with the participation of social workers. 社会工作从未单独参与评估, 干预, 以及个体心理状况的治疗. It also has a historical legacy of advocacy for policy change and macro 干预 within the context of 社区 pr行为ice. The early forbearers were often macrolevel reformers who sought change not only at the level of person but in the context of neighborhood, 社区, 状态, 甚至是国家层面(贝索恩), 2013).

给n the richness and texture of its historical legacy with respect to both theory and pr行为ice, social work is in a unique position to consider multiple intersecting perspectives that serve the best interest of persons 和社区 in the context of their unique sociocultural environments (Carrillo, 2007). 例如, social workers can function as skillful members of interdisciplinary teams addressing issues of food access and 可持续发展的 production in low-income urban neighborhoods.

Social workers with a strong commitment to cultural competency are strategically placed to facilitate a relationship with 社区 members and ethnically diverse 集团s. 随着这种关系的发展, 人们在解决自己的问题时获得了更大的发言权.

Another way in which social workers can contribute to urban 可持续发展的 agricultural initiatives would be through their ability to provide a comprehensive assessment of 社区 needs, 资源, 和力量. Social work’s emphasis on strengths-based approaches to pr行为ice could be applied to urban environments and used to determine what strengths and 资源 the residents already have that could be utilized. Social workers would also be able to use their 社区-based assessment skills to effectively discover what communities might want and need. 例如,迎合特定社区的民族食品口味.

The link between the production of and access to 健康的 and 可持续发展的 food sources is present throughout society, 社会工作者可以成为解决方案的一部分. I am thrilled to be leading the efforts at KWU to train the next generation of social workers to take up the task.